All posts by FSI Mathe/Physik/DS

Game nights

To all dice players, card shufflers and builders! It’s time to dust off the board games and dive into a world of strategic conquests and friendly rivalries. Feel free to come by our vacation game nights!
The next game nights are Thursday, 03.08.23; Tuesday, 22.08.23 und Wednesday, 13.09.23 each starting at 4pm in the math practice rooms. As always, there will also be a communal pizza order.

Warning: side effects include uncontrolled laughter, a tendency to quote board game rules in everyday conversations, and an insatiable desire for more game nights. Participation is at your own risk!
We look forward to seeing you!

Award for extraordinary commitment to teaching

You have had lecturers and tutors this semester who have gone above and beyond in their teaching duties? Maybe they offered extra practice hours, put together helpful animations, stood up for your concerns to the professor? Then we are glad to offer you the opportunity to thank your lecturers together with us.
Every year the FSI Maths/Physics/DS awards the PfbEidL to a lecturing or tutoring person. The award with a gift humper will be given to the winner at the graduation ceremony (which is the reason why the latest awards are still pending). You can nominate your tutors now! Just go to our website and fill out the nomination form. The next award ceremony will take place after the summer semester 2022.

Our Physics – Our Research

Next Wednesday, 21.06., and Friday, 23.06., you will again have the opportunity to get an overview of the research at the physics department at OPhOR at 2:00 pm, especially with regard to bachelors or masters thesis projects.
The research groups will present themselves in short 4-minute talks, on Wednesday mainly from the fields of optics, condensed matter, biophysics, ECAP and astrophysics, on Friday from medical physics and theory. An overview of the presenters can be found on the poster.
Following the talks, poster sessions will be held on Wednesday from 5:00 pm, on Friday already from 4:00 pm, where questions and project ideas can be discussed. Coffee and snacks will be provided.

(Deutsch) Echt oder Fake

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Am Dienstag, den 27.6. findet die Veranstaltung “Echt oder Fake” im Hörsaal HG des Physikums statt. die Veranstaltung wird von der FSV Nat organisiert und richtet sich damit an alle Studis der NatFak (natürlich sind aber auch Studis anderer Fakultäten herzlich willkommen).
Hier wird es kurze Vorträge von ca. 5 Minuten geben, die entweder wahre oder falsche Infos enthalten und ihr dürft dann in Gruppen euren Tipp dazu abgeben.
Wir freuen uns auf euer zahlreiches Erscheinen!

P.S.: Man munkelt, dass es auch Preise zu gewinnen gibt ;D

(Deutsch) Physiker*innen im Beruf

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Am Mittwoch, dem 17.05.23 wird nach längerer Pause die Vortragsreihe “Physiker*innen im Beruf” weitergeführt. Dabei berichten FAU-Alumni von ihren Erfahrungen im Berufsleben und beantworten anschließend eure Fragen.

Für unseren ersten Termin sind ab 15:15 Uhr in Hörsaal E zwei Vorträge geplant:

  • “Der Beruf des SAP-Consultant – auch etwas für PhysikerInnen?” von Dr. Markus Harasim und Martin Müller (CALEO Consulting GmbH)
  • “Physik und Hochpräzision: die Entwicklung der modernsten Lithografie Objektive” von Dr. Michael Wagenpfeil (Carl Zeiss SMT)

Game nights

To all those who capture hats not flags, play hide and seek with boats not behind trees and catch phrases not people. To everyone who likes to sit inside and play board games in the evening when the weather is so marvellous. And of course to everyone else (after all, we have upgraded with outdoor games). Feel free to come along to our holiday game nights!
The next game nights are on Friday, 10.03, Thursday, 30.03 and Thursday, 13.04 at 4 pm in the maths practice rooms. As always, there will also be a joint pizza order.
We are looking forward to seeing you!

Game nights

When?: Tue 25.10, Tue 08.11, Thu 24.11, Thu 06.12, Tue 22.12 at 6 p.m.
Where? Maths maths exercize rooms
To all those who win Connect Four in three moves, Tik-Tak-Toe in two moves and Chess in one move. To all those who play through Super Mario Bros. in under 4.54 min. And of course to everyone else:
Next Tuesday, our games evening will start again at 6pm in the Mathematics practice rooms. After that, there will be another one every two weeks. As always, you are welcome to bring your own games and, like last time, we will order pizza together at 7pm.
A mask is recommended.
We look forward to seeing you!


Even though it is no event of the FSI, we want to advertise the following event.

From the 25th-27th Oktober there is the “Diversity in physics for the diversity in physics” conference. The Physics Department of the FAU offers a wide range of diverse research topics: soft matter physics, physics of the universe, and physics of light and matter interaction. But the diversity of research is also reflected in the diversity of the people working and studying in the Physics Department. DIPHER22 focuses not only on the variety of topics in physics but also on the diversity in people working in and studying physics. We invite and welcome participants of all academic levels to participate and take part in an exchange of scientific and individual experiences during the conference. DIPHER22 offers talks, panel discussions, and workshops covering physics topics and topics on gender and diversity.

If you want to learn more about the event, you can find more information and the registration platform for the individual days and dinners right here. The registration deadline will be at the end of september.

(Deutsch) Feriensitzungen

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

Die Feriensitzungen dieser Semesterferien finden am 07.09, 05.10 und 12.10 jeweils um 18 Uhr statt. Die Sitzungen am 07.09 und 05.10 werden über Zoom stattfinden. Falls du vorbeischauen möchtest, kannst du uns gerne nach dem Einladungslink fragen.