
Note: The English version of the Event-Radar only includes events that are accessible in English!

All current events at a glance

Important periods
27.05. ᠆ 16.06. ⦁ Exam registration period
06.06. – 09.06. ⦁ European elections
09.06._ ⦁ StUB decision
12.06. – 19.06. ⦁ University election
01.07. – 07.07. ⦁ Re-registration WiSe 24/25
19.07. ⦁ End of the lecture period

🥳 Summer party ⦁ 06.06.
→ Prof DJs, drinks & food (also vegan)
→ 18:00 in the outdoor area of the Physikum

🌀 All kinds of events
13.06. & 14.06. ⦁ UPhUF
→ 14:00 to 18:00 in HH
25.06. ⦁ University orchestra
→ 20:00 in the Heinrich-Lades-Halle

🎲 Games evenings
20.06. ⦁ 02.07. ⦁ 18.07.
→ 18:00 in Ü4

🎉 Other summer parties
12.06. ⦁ FSI Pharmacy
→ in front of the Chemikum
13.06. ⦁ Rommel student residence
→ South Campus residential complex
20.06. ⦁ FSI Computer Science
→ Green space next to TechFak cube
27.06. ⦁ TechFak summer party
→ at the roten Platz
04.07. ⦁ FSI-WIng
→ at the roten Platz


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