University Elections 2024

University elections will be held again in the summer of 2021. For this purpose we’d like to introduce you to the “Bunten FSIen-Liste of the NatFak“:

We are running for election to the Faculty Council for the 21/22 term of office and thus for the FSV (student representatives). Our list consists of 11 candidates from the FSIs of the NatFak. In these positions, we have already gained a lot of experience in representing your interests in the departments in the best possible way. Now we would like to ask you to support us with your vote in this year’s university elections to do the same at faculty level.

We would like to make full use of the influence of the offices to implement your concerns. So that we can go this way for and with you, we need your vote!

We are from the FSIs, so we have good contacts with many students and know where the problems lie
Through the events of the FSIs, such as office hours, the organization of introductory events, through lecture hall cinemas and game nights, through barbecues and parties, we come into very frequent and direct contact with many other students from different semesters and learn about their wishes and problems - even if online alternatives have to be used for this right now. In the FSV we do our best to bring about changes in the interest of the students.
We are well networked with each other and with the departments via the FSIs - we know who to contact if there's issues
We gain a lot of experience in dealing with professors and the structures at the departmental level through participation in departmental committees on the part of the FSIs in departmental councils or assemblies, in study grant committees, in study committees, in appointment committees, etc. We know who to contact and when. We are well networked and know who to contact and when. Through cross-FSI events, we also know the work of the other FSIs and have contacts there.
We consistently advocate for fair and free study conditions
In the FSV, we do our best to stand up for the best possible study conditions, such as for the "Freischuss" regulation for the Corona semesters, permanent generous hardship regulations or against compulsory registrations. Even when the university acts against our interests, we use our voices to oppose it - even if the prospects of doing so are not always good. For example, despite resistance, we are committed to the abolition of the new withdrawal deadlines, against the symptom obligation on certificates or against more restrictive examination regulations.
We campaign for better study conditions and go all the way to the university management to achieve this
The departments of the NatFak face many challenges, e.g. the well-known difficult financial situation and new problems arising from the current situation. We are committed to ensuring that the study conditions do not deteriorate as a result and that good teaching and learning conditions are guiding factors in decision making. Through the FSIs, we are able to quickly recognize where there is a problem and can then fight for solutions and changes through our representatives in the Faculty Council. In order to give everyone a voice, we would like the FSV to take over the role of the FSI for the Modulstudien Naturale this year as well, since these are unfortunately not really represented otherwise due to their extraordinary course structures.
The advantage of the Bunte FSIen-Liste - Diverse, non-partisan candidates
Since we are a non-partisan list, we approach issues without any political bias. This means we are not beholden to the opinion of any political university group or overarching party organization, but can make independent decisions. What counts for us is to achieve the best possible solution for our students. We are diverse in terms of content, because each of our candidates brings their own experience, goals and concrete proposals. These content-related positioning and goals can be found in the profiles of the individual list members, which you can find in the tab "Our candidates" or on Instagram (@bunte.fsien.liste.nat).

Hey, my name is Marie Büttner and I am now in my 4th semester studying Physical Geography. I am a member of the FSI Geography since fall and like to organize meetings of different kinds for students. The topics feminism and sustainability are especially important to me. In the FSV I want to represent geography and improve the communication between the FSIs and the FSV and create opportunities for networking.


Hi. My name is Michael Straulino and I study math and physics. I have been a member of the FSV Nat for three years now, just as long as I have been a member of the student council. Last year many decisions were made against the interest of the students. No extension of the free shot regulations. Money for the promotion of study conditions was put into basic equipment. A new higher education law in Bavaria puts business higher than teaching and research.

Several very important decisions are also coming up in the next few years. The new Higher Education Act means that the university will have to revise its basic regulations. Then it will be decided whether students will be given even fewer co-determination rights in the future or whether we will finally be shown the respect we need. It will be decided whether FAU will be transformed into an elite university with many buzzword courses or whether the focus will be on individual students. And it will be decided how money will be distributed in the university in the future. Whether it will be put into a few flagships and glossy projects and the cuts will continue across the board, or whether we will manage to finally give teaching the resources it needs. We have to make it clear which direction is the right one!

In my opinion, the student representation is first and foremost a representation of interests and should therefore, on the one hand, always have an open ear for the students and, on the other hand, always clearly represent the interests of the students to the professors, even if we do not have the opportunity to make the final decision. I therefore hope that interest in university politics will increase again and that many of you will want to get involved in committees, student councils and the FSV. The best opportunity students have is to speak with a clear voice in public.

I wish you all a successful semester and good health.

Hello!🐥 My name is Pia, I'm 19 years old and I'm currently studying biology in the 2nd semester 🧬.
Besides my studies I like to do sports 🤾♀, meet with friends or bake (especially during the exam phase😉) passionately 🧁.
I have been a member of the FSI Biology/ILS/LAG since the beginning of my studies and have already noticed there how important it is that we as students communicate openly with each other, support each other and help with problems.
That's why I would like to emphasize this in the FSV and in the FakRat: the communication between the students, with the teachers and also the FSIs among each other.
If you have any questions/problems/suggestions, please feel free to contact me☺️

Hello guys!
My name is Julius Storm and I am currently studying in Erlangen with biology and chemistry as my majors.
Studying means more than just learning for exams and especially in these days it´s difficult for us to stay on track with learning and having a good time.
The network of our faculties and amongst each other might be good (or acceptable) on an educational basis but it is still improvable when it comes to connecting with our fellow students; especially if your first semester is virtual.
I want to encourage more meetings among all of the departments of the Natfak, to give people more chances for getting to know each other.
Even if these meetings still have to be virtual,
this is where the student councils could begin to act more and I want to help.

Hello, my name is Büşra Başol, I'm 21 years old and I'm in my 8th semester of mathematics.

I am currently in my second term in the FSV Nat and would love to represent you in our faculty for another year. So far, I have done this in many different roles as an FSV member: in the student counsil, in the Ref PR, in the Ref Öko, in the representative assembly of the Studiwerk, in the Dean of Students meeting, in the Examination Office meeting, as the speaker of the FSV, and of course in the FSI Math/Physics. This is where my work in the Stuve began in my second semester. Since then, I have participated in the organisation of many events and managed a Stuve social media account for the first time. I then used this experience in other committees - especially in the FSV. This task is very close to my heart, as it allows me to be a bridge between the committees and the students to provide you with information and bring you closer to the Stuve to have your voices heard.

Other issues that are important to me are my advocacy for feminism for students, advocacy for sustainability at the university, and better communication with the departments and the exams office. For the latter, I have also worked to reintroduce the Examinations Office suggestion box this term and, as a result, organized a meeting with the head of the Examinations Office. Since this proved to be very productive and useful, we are still in regular contact and I would like to continue these discussions in the future.

If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me at any time, my FAU email address is buesra.basol at

Bei Problemen könnt ihr mich gerne jederzeit ansprechen, meine FAU-Mailadresse buesra.basol at

My name is Valentin Kelz and I am 22 years old. I'm studying Geosciences in my 6th semester, I'm also active in the FSI, and since the beginning of my studies I've been involved in the Ref Queer of the Stuve, where I work for diversity and equality at FAU, a concern that I would also like to bring to the FSV. I am running for my second term on the FSV this year.
Greetings, Valentin


Hey, my name is Sarah Fritsche, I'm 18 years old and I study physics in my 2nd semester. Accordingly, it would be my first term in the FSV, but I have been a member of the FSI Math/Physics since I started my studies. Since I myself started my studies in the middle of the pandemic and was only able to experience online teaching, I am particularly interested in networking between the different student bodies and among the students themselves. To make up for this aspect, which has definitely been neglected lately, I would be happy to help plan cool activities. Of course, if you have any other questions, problems or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, and I will do my best to help you in the most uncomplicated way possible!

Hello, my name is Leon Bernáth, I am 19 years old and I study physics and mathematics in the second semester, so this would be my first term in the FSV.

I'm in the FSI because I think that institutional problems in the study - even the smallest issues - should be tackled directly and talked about with the responsible persons to try and find a solution. I would like to apply this work ethic in the FSV aswell. As someone who has only experienced Corona semesters so far, I see myself as a bit of a representative of a generation of students who have not yet experienced "normal" university life.

My focus in the FSV would be on three points:

1. I would like to make sure that students have as much freedom as possible in organizing their studies.
2. I would like to bring in smaller, concrete improvements for the students, as it was done for example with the "Freischuss" regulation during Corona.
3. I support Michael Straulino's initiative of a Nat-Fak-wide and collection of teaching materials that should be made freely available to all if possible (Open Educational Recources), because i think it will benefit everyone in the long run.

If you have any suggestions or problems, please feel free to come to me and I'll see what I can do to help!
I look forward to any suggestions!

Hello 🙂
My name is Lisa Berger and I am 21 years old. At the moment I'm in my 6th semester of elementary school teaching, majoring in geography. In my free time I help out in children's gymnastics, which is unfortunately not possible at the moment, and I like to discover new places. That means when I'm not busy with university, I'm mostly out and about.
Since my 1st semester I am in the FSI Geography and would like to be able to make an even bigger contribution by being elected to the FSV-Nat. Besides the better communication between FSIs and the FSV, the networking of the students is close to my heart. This is more important and difficult than ever right now! In addition, I would like to represent the teaching students with natural science majors and establish a better network with them. I will be happy to help you with any questions you may have about the teaching degree program and how you can get involved!

Hi everyone :), my name is Johannes Dietz, I study physics in the 6th master's semester, I am 30 years old and this will now be my fourth term in the FSV-Nat. Since April 2019 I was also part the student counsil and temporarily speaker of the counsil and thus in the general student committee of the FAU, but now I only want to focus on the FSV. For me, the FSV connects the FSIs and the individual students with the faculty and university-wide committees. I work at all levels to ensure that the interests of students are taken into account in decisions made by the faculty, the university, and ultimately by the state government, and to ensure that students themselves can propose improvements at all levels.
A major project for me is the university-wide abolition of the compulsory registration for repeat attempts at exams. What has been achieved in physics since the winter semester must now finally be made possible in the other courses of study at the NatFak.