Information material to the studies

On this site we want to provide information material from external organisations or similar that may be relevant for your studies.

  • mandatory attendence at FAU?

Due to the freedom of study in accordance with Art. 3 Para. 4 BayHSchG, students are generally not required to attend courses of any kind unless the corresponding examination regulations stipulate this. Anchoring compulsory attendance in the module handbook is not sufficient. It is only possible to stipulate compulsory attendance in the examination regulations in very exceptional cases (safety-relevant courses, group projects, orchestras or similar). Questions regarding this matter can be answered by the legal staff of Referat L1.
Translation of a summary of a letter from Prof. Dr. Antje Kley – Vice President (07/13)

Additional information is also available on the site of the student stand-in.

  • FAU Penal (“FAU-St”)

The university regularly conducts a university-wide online survey on study conditions, which is intended to provide information about student satisfaction [link expired]. The goal is to uncover existing problems with the study programs and to improve them in the long term, but also to collect successful examples. Johanna Haberer, former vice president for studies and teaching at FAU, comments:

“We want to know, for example, how our students rate the support they receive from their lecturers or how satisfied they are with the services offered by central service facilities such as the language center, student advising or the examination office.”

The results of the student survey can be viewed on StudOn. They should also be discussed in individual courses regarding study conditions, courses, modules, etc., in order to move from the survey results to an evaluation and concrete action planning.